It’s been a sunkissed kinda day and perhaps the first offerings of the summer are apparently on our doorstep. Tonite i’m only interested in going to see Tottenham MC, Avelino spit flames in the city. I have been aware of his presence for a couple of years and I’ve know his co-sign; Wretch 32 and his manager Zeon for way over a decade now. Supremely lyrically astute with concise diction and penmanship; young Avelino is fast becoming one of my guilty rap pleasures.
The venue XOYO; situated in Old Street is popular for record label and industry showcases, only a fortnight ago I was present for Island/Universal new signing Donaeo’s event..
The atmosphere outside being the usual throng of fashionably attired personnel and security scrutinising ID’s. The host and DJ being Charlie Sloth from BBC 1XTRA and fam from Camden Town. Die hard fans at the front and centre stage spitting bar for bar along Avelino’s whole set. Joined on stage by many guests and performing tracks from his catalogue and from the recently released ‘Young Fire, Old Flame’ mixtape ; the standout highlights being Wretch 32 performing his flawless #FITB Freestyle and Dave, newly signed to Island/Universal performing his single featuring Drake ‘Wanna Know’
Click the image below to see Avelino in action :-
Click the image below to see Avelino in action :-
Click the image below to see Wretch 32 perform #FITB Freestyle :-
Click the image below to see Avelino perform ‘Outstanding & Outrageous’ :-
Click the image below to see Avelino rip thru a dope #Freestyle :-
Click the image below to see Dave perform ‘Wanna Know’ :-
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